November 2020 Proposition K
"Prop. K, authorizing subsidized affordable housing, gets strong backing." SF Examiner. November 3 2020.
Please note that this article has an error. Social housing in San Francisco does not limit household incomes to a maximum of 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI). It just requires an average household income < 80% AMI.​
"Vote Yes on Props K and I." SF Examiner. October 17 2020.
"San Francisco Measure K: Authorizing 10,000 Units of Affordable Housing." KALW. September 17 2020.
"Proposition K Aims to Pave the Way for Municipal Social Housing in San Francisco." San Francisco Public Press. September 11 2020.
Radio interview with KPOO. September 10 2020.
"Voters to Weigh a ‘Social Housing’ Solution in San Francisco." NextCity. August 11 2020.
"Supes unanimously approve several measures for November ballot." SFGate. July 30 2020.
"Supervisor will ask voters to authorize SF to create social housing." San Francisco Business Times. June 16 2020.
"Supervisor Dean Preston Wants To Create 10,000 Affordable Housing Units." San Francisco News. June 16 2020.
​SF Community Housing Act
"Public Housing for All." San Francisco Bay View National Black Newspaper. September 10 2019.
"The Potrero Yard housing plan is a bad deal for The City." San Francisco Examiner. November 1 2019.
2020 Ballot Measure Resources
We had created 5.5 X 8.5 flyers in English, Spanish, Chinese and Tagalog for our 2020 ballot measure campaign (that did not go to the ballot due to COVID-19). These flyers summarize the Community Housing Act in just a few paragraphs. Feel free to download and print your own!
Note: You can also make two-sided flyers — English/Spanish or English/Chinese — by combining these PDFs.
We also have a one-page Fact Sheet with more details, and some graphs and charts displaying some of the important aspects of the SFCHA. Download the 2-sided pdf.
Check our Facebook page for what's happening, more housing news, and more ways you can help.